Get mad, get angry, get annoyed!

4 levels of increasing difficulty. Use Space to Jump, J to shoot

3 lives

Playable with XBOX controllers


Background music:

Hit sound effect: "Cartoon blow impact"

Enemy shooting sound effect: "Boss fight arcade"

Player shooting sound effect: "Magic Bubbles spell"


midterm 32 MB
midterm 41 MB

Development log


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George Gonzalez:

I think what you did is really fun and unique. I like how well you make the game frustrating but doable in practice. I do think that you should add more things that hint to the player what they should do after they die just to make it a bit less repetitive. 

I love how successfully frustrating this game turned out. The precision needed to pass certain levels and the unnecessary wandering around just to run into a dead end is effective at getting the player to feel the emotions you were aiming for. I'd suggest improving the background, UI, and sprites used so the feel of the game is more consistent. Great job!

Chenny Yun: This game reminds me of another: Cat Mario, which is a similar game in that everything is there to trick you. I enjoy how the game tests how well you can remember certain traps and act accordingly. If you decide to expand upon this game, I would suggest sticking to one type of world: either an open world like the last level or levels where everything fits one screen.

xiao ling

aaahahahahahaaaaaa i love ur gameeee !!

the character is very cuteeee. the controls are interesting and it leaves for lots of exploration on the player's part to figure them out. i think thats a nice touch to the game :))

i think its a nice game already. maybe having some interactions with the player like the EXIT sign either to trick or help the player would make it more interesting!

Jack Liu: 

The idea of this game was so new that I was attracted when I started playing it. I ended up trying for two minutes to find the right way through the first level. But the later levels are even harder. I realized how tricky the game is and the designer's mind. But I have one suggestion, is to change the attack to keyboard operation. Clicking the mouse to attack is a little bit inconvenient.

Remi Vaughan: This game was super funny, especially when I played it the first time. I never was able to beat those levels haha. I love games like this that are all about variety and really surprising the player, but not making any of the traps unfair on a second try. It's all about remembering what traps exist and remembering how to avoid them later. One thing that I think needs to be improved tho is some of the later level design. The small levels I saw in the first release were really fun, but you seem to have gone with a different design path for the final release. I prefer the one-screen levels you had as I think they fit best with the gameplay, and would like to see more of those if you keep working on this in future.

Anna Teng: I really love the idea of the game, and I think it's really fun to sometimes play a game that is constantly trying to get you. I love that some elements of the level moves, and that you have to explore the level and memorize patterns to pass the level. The levels overall is a bit hard, and I think at times hard to figure out without hints, but I still think that it is a brilliant idea, and it's really fun to try and play.

Ashley Liu: I really like this game's concept and player sprite but the theme could be a little more coherent. I think level 2 was the most logical to me since there weren't any extremely hard areas but it just took multiple tries to memorize the patterns and using that idea in the other levels could make the game feel better for the player!

Michael Chen: hard game and I got angry by playing your game. Hahahah, I think I really enjoy watching someone else playing your game, and it was fun to watch other people getting tortured by this game. Sometimes it is really hard to control and balance the fairness to this kind of game, but you guys did a great job and avoid making a unfair game. I am looking forward for having more levels and watching other people playing those levels. Overall, great job, great work, I like to watch other people playing.

Shaur Kumar: I think this game is a very interesting idea, as rage bait games like Kaizo Mario are some of my favorites. However, I feel that this game requires a bit more direction or explicit contract with the player that the game will be unfair. The cheery aesthetics and slow-paced gameplay, combined with a lack of animations makes it feel more like you are breaking the game then beating the game at it's own (for lack of better term) game. For example, in the teleporters level, the solution to climb through a platform behind you to reach the true area and do a bunch of wall jumps looks like unintended glitches. I think some animations added to these maneuvers and other positive feedback will not take away the frustration of the game but tighten up the character controlling, making the player feel less mad at how the game looks and properly getting the rage from the hard gameplay. Tricking the player is always going to provoke a worse reaction than beating the player at mechanics they can learn and improve with.

Yilin Zhao: I like that you're trying to make a game that the players have to explore by themselves. But even the second level is too hard for me to get pass. I still cannot make it lol. For this kind of game, I would definitely love a clue button that can give me some hints once I've failed too many times. Maybe try to build a hint system, give the player some chances of getting hints at first, and allow the player to win more hint opportunities while playing. 

Roger Li: I like the consistent art style but I don't think the music fits that well with the theme. I like how the game keeps its mechanic consistent (e.g. portals are always bad) so it doesn't throw off the player even if this is an unfair mario style game. Overall I think a lot of effort has gone into the level designs and I like them.

Hah-Young Kim: This game really stood out to me! There were a few obstacles that I found to be a bit challenging, and I had to rely on hints from watching a playtest to get through them. However, the game wasn't impossible - it was unfair. I enjoyed exploring each route and obstacle until I found the right path. Also, I loved the win screen and how the reward was to PLAY AGAIN. The game definitely lived up to its title!

Heejin: This game is definitely frustrating but also very fun to play. At first, when I did not know like the correct way to get to the next level, it was extremely frustrating and hard for me (took pretty long time to complete the game), but I loved finding out the way and exploring all those levels. I love how the player can go through the platforms and jump higher along the walls. Also, I love the attack mechanism, but not really sure if I even need the attacking thing, cause like I could not find any enemies here. But still, I really enjoyed playing this game!

Plain and simple its a good addition to the genre: frustrating and fun as intended. I wish there were some more ways to feel rewarded for figuring out a mechanic/trick. Ex: arrows that the player learns always point in the wrong direction or certain types of platforms that are always dummies. Getting lost is sometimes frustrating since its hard to differentiate between making the wrong move and going the wrong way. Also could use a bit of a more robust story and thematic consistency amongst the sprites.

Nishma: This was different from the other games since you guys purposefully made this unfair and it's definitely more of a trial-and-error type of game. I really liked the layout of the levels and how there's like so many different possibilities, some that the players might not even know about. I think this is definitely a game that would take a long time!

This is a very "interesting" game to review. It is very difficult and confusing but that is intended. I like the music and the shooting animations alot. I will say one thing is that because the game is so hard, many people may just give up early, so I think it may be better to have something earlier on that the player need to fight.

Because right now I'm stuck on level 1 and I was really interested in how the shooting mechanism would work (like if there were enemies I had to fight). But since I can't get passed this level I won't even know.

(1 edit)

Sergey: Seems like it's about exploring, but I think it should explain itself a little bit. I noticed several collider issues with the platforms. Also, I think the world design could be better polished, covering sharp edges and making it better looking for the player. 

Interesting sound effects and music. I love the clouds in level 2. The player jumps kind of high and the game mechanics can be confusing. I also get stuck while walking on the ground sometimes, so there might be an issue with colliders. I'm not sure why the game over and win screens are cat themed.